diminishing speaking phrases in the workplace

Do you realise the impact that diminishing speaking habits play in decreasing your credibility, authority and gravitas in the workplace?

The worst part is that these ‘diminishing habits’ are self-imposed. It is the ‘self’ (ie. you) that lessens your worth and contribution. Consequently, this impacts how you are perceived by your team, colleagues, clients and audience. 

The good news is that this is only a habit. Habits can be changed. New habits can be reinforced with practice and repetition. 

Use this simple 2 step process: identify and replace

Step 1. Identify which diminishing sentences or phrases you regularly use. 

Step 2. Replace the diminishing phrase with a better expression that supports your confident speaking style. 

In action example

Identify and replace:

  • I think with ‘I believe…’ or ‘In my experience’  

  • ‘Does that make sense?’ with’ Do you have any clarifying questions?’

  • 'Just' … with drop the ‘just’. 

  • ‘Actually’ with drop the actually. 

Which of these speaking habits are you going to focus on improving?

If you want to take your speaking to the next level of confidence, contact me and let’s chat about your goals!


How to end a presentation?


Enhance your executive presence with deliberate intent.